Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

A recently leaked email from the Democratic National Committee shows Mid-Atlantic Finance Director Alexandra Shapiro referred to party donors as “clowns.”


During a May 16, 2016 discussion about an upcoming fundraiser, Shapiro wrote, “Vaughn’s still trying to figure out what the hell is going on with this Rudy guy and his $100k. That’s coming with 4 seats so could be a bit touchy.

“Bittel is being wishy washy on whether or not he’s coming,” Shapiro wrote.

“Trying to lock down John Maa,” referring to a wealthy donor and California surgeon, “and it looks like Phil Munger is planning on coming but I don’t have his money yet and I’m hearing it through the grapevine.

Munger “is the son of Berkshire Hathaway vice chairman and Warren Buffett lieutenant Charles Munger, whose estimated net worth is $1.2 billion,” the Free Beacon reported in 2014.

“If everyone comes we’re looking at 28. If all these clowns drop off we’re looking at 20,” Shapiro wrote. “Trying to shore it all up in the next hour.”

h/t @JaredWyand